Wow this has been a week full of miracles. My new companion is so awesome. Her name is Hna Silberman, de Brazil. Everyone think she is gringa for her last name and the fact that she has red hair. But she is such an example to me because she is the only member of her family and had to sacrifice so much to come on the mission. Really I am so grateful for the circumstances and the family life that I come from, sometimes I think I take for granted the fact that I was born in the church and that I have so much support from my family and friends. But also I am so grateful for people like my companion who are truly converted to the evangelio. It is such a testimony to me that this church is true and that God never asks too much of us. When God calls, doesnt matter what our circumstances are, we need to obey him. And when we do, we have His promises and those are more important than all of the other things that happen in this life.
Well, funny story for the week. We ate lunch on saturday and the members were late bringing us to our house and late in serving the food and so we were just going to stay in our sector to work but we had forgotten so many things at home so we decided that we needed to go back to the house, which is about 20 or 30 minutes from our sector. So the member brought us back to the house and my comp had to use the bathroom really bad so while I was waiting for her I got the supplies we needed and then I looked into the room where our bunk beds are and to my surprise, the floor was completeley soaked. We live in a really old house and the bathroom drain sometimes doesnt work really well for the hermanas and so accidentally, one of the hermanas had left dripping the faucet and it overfilled the sink and soaked the entire house in merely 4 hours. It was such a miracle that we had forgotten our materials because the house would have been a disaster if we had arrived later. But we had to clean up all the water and we lifted the carpet wich is not an easy task to do. While we were cleaning we found 2 huge spider rincones which are super poisonous. we have lots of them in our house. It was an adventure to say the least. We left the carpet outside to dry and our room seriously looks like a prison cell now because underneath the carpet is cement and its awful. But as we sing here Es la Mision, esta es la obra.
We are seeing miracles in our sector. Last week hna Chapman and I went to a semi reference from one of our investigators, Carlos. Carlos works with all women in metlife and there was a women whose name is Andrea who was passing through a really hard moment and Carlos told her that she needed to pray and talked to her a little about the church. Well we had met Andrea in a contact about a month before Carlos told us that story so we made it a priority to go visit her. Our first visit was good and we got a second visit to go visit her again. We were had planned to teach her about the Book of Mormon but we had left the house late due to a certain situation, but it slipped our mind to bring the Book of Mormon. So we got to Andreas house we planned that we were going to clear her doubts about the first lesson and get another appointment. Well, in the visit, Hna Silberman asked her, what questions do you have for us? and she told us, the only question I have is how you baptize in the church. We explained to her super well baptism and about the proper authority and afterwords we invited her to be baptized May 9, at first she said, isn´t it a little fast and then afterwords goes, no I just need to do it. I need to prepare myself to be baptized. And then she asked us what she needed to do to be prepared for the fecha. She is amazing! I have never had an experience like that in my mission. Wow, my testimony was strengthened that day that God truly prepares people for us. I know that there are even more people prepared and we just have to be valient in extending invitations to them. I also know that Andrea will be able to help Carlos be ready for baptism too. He is so close.
Well I love you all and I hope you all have a great week!
Con amor
Hna Ayre
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