Sunday, August 9, 2015

More Miracles 7/27/15

Well, this week has been another week of miracles, we have seen the hand of God so clearly in this work. We had two great experiences this week. First, we were contacting one day because our appointments had fallen through and one of the councilors of the ward called us and told us that there was a member that had a younger brother who wanted to be baptized! He told us that we needed to call Brian to set up an appointment to visit his brother and we called and the next day we had an appointment and Cristobal told us that he wanted to be baptized! It was a miracle. He only has 15 year old so he has to assist church 6 times before he can get baptized but has the desires. 

Also yesterday, we were a little dissapointed because the people we had found have stopped progressing and we didnt know what to do because our pool of investigators shrunk. But we went to the house of a young man that we had contacted last week and his mom answered the door, after talking to her outside for a little while she finally let us pass in and as we were talking to her, her daughter and the boyfriend of her daughter arrived and then her other son came down stairs and all of them are soo amazing! They want to get closer to God and do things in the right way. We felt so blessed to be able to teach them. 
Also this upcoming saturday their is a trip to the temple for all new members and of the new members we have under our cargo there are 5 perople who will be going to the temple! We are so excited for them! 

Well have a great week! 
Hna AYre

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