What a crazy week this has been! Being in a trio is loco! There is never a dull moment with my twocompanions. We have been working super hard. We found a golden investigator in Hna Hall´s sector this week. Her name is Camila and she is amazing but her story is so sad. Her mom is a drug addict and lives in the North and a couple of weeks ago got in a huge fight with her dad and recently moved into her boyfriends home. The problem is she is 15 and her boyfriend is a less active member who is 18. He lives in his own house. His parents got divorced and his dad and mom both have some problems and he kicked his dad out of his house and I dont really know what happened with his mom. But basically Camila loves the church because of the peace she feels and the sense of belonging she feels but we are going to need a miracle to find a different place for her to live because we cant tell a fifteen year old to marry someone and depending on how big the problems are with her dad it will be very hard for her to go back but we know that God makes miracles happen every day and that he will help Camila.
Also on saturday we put a Bapitsmal date with Carlos! He is so great. He will be the best leader. He assisted a baptism this week and it got him excited for his own. He has so much faith. He has changed so much since the day I arrived. He will be baptized may 30. The only sad part is that I will not be there. I got changed to another barrio. I will now be in Rengo with Hna Ribeiro. She is also from Brazil. I am excited to be with her! She is so sweet and seems like the greatest. She actually was in Machali right before I arrived and she was the one who found Carlos. But I had to give my testimony yesterday in the ward and it was so hard. I cried, which doesnt seem that abnormal for me but actually in the mission I havent cried hardly atall. Carlos was sitting behind us and he was crying too. It was so sad but thats how the mission works. I know that Gods hand is always in the transfer and he has a reason for why I cant be more time in Machali and he will show me why I need to be in Rengo. Also I know that the new missionary who is coming to Machali is also what the ward needs in this time.
But I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Hna Ayre
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