Monday, November 24, 2014

Week of Thansgiving

Hola Todos!

Wow another week gone and by. My companion and I are dying with how fast the time is flying by. This next week we will have cambios and we're not thinking we will be together this next cambio and we are pretty sad about it. Also we are sad because we know that there will be some change in the house and our house is the best.
Yesterday we six missionaries ate lunch at a member's house who gave us a lunch that was rotten. It was some sort of salad and we're not sure what type of meat it was but it was not good and it had rotten egg in it too. We had correlation last night and one of the elders felt really sick and then we got home at night and Hna Gracia felt super sick and threw up. Then it hit Hna Truman at like 11 and then my comp at like 1 in the morning and me at like two in the morning. You could say we had a long night. We called the elders in the morning to see how they were doing and both of them got hit too. All of us got food poisoning bad. Only Hna Gracia and Elder Cortes were throwing up though. But we're doing a little better now.
Other than that its been an interesting week. We are in the process of finding new people nuevamente and its been a week of God testing our dilligence in the obra. We're not discouraged but we are praying that we can find someone who is prepared. Other side note, we have two conversos who we are pretty sure are about to ask us if we can stop visiting them. A member told us that they told her that they no longer believe in eternal families and don't want anything to do with the church. That was heart breaking but hopefully we can talk some sense into them this week.
We are pillows for niños for an activity in the relief society and I never thought that i would have to do anything to do with arts and crafts in the mission but I was wrong. I'm making a soccer ball and it has been a very long process. I'll send a picture when I am done.
Also on Sunday we sisters sang Come Unto Christ in Spanish in the sacrament meeting and all of you would be very impressed with how well I was able to sing. Ive been practicing a whole lot. 

We found an investigator last week whose name is Maria Jose. She is 21 and has 3 kids under the age of 5 and one that is due this week. She lives with the three of them alone during the week and on the weekend her boyfriend comes to visit her. It is a testimony to me of the importance of the law of chastity. Here in the mission I have seen so much the importance of the family. It is so sad to see these young girls who have kids and don't have anyone to support them. God's plan and HIs commandments are so much grander then our ways.

Well, because this week is Thanksgiving week I want to end with the things that I am grateful for. 
1. The blessing of being born in the gospel and raised with the knowledge of the plan of salvation, that there is so much more to this life than what we are living in right now. 
2. My family who is the best example to me of service and love to others and God
2. To be able to serve a mission and serve my Lord and thank Him for everything that He has done for me.
The best way to show our gratitude to our Lord is not through our words, rather through our works. This week I invite you all to serve someone else. To find an opportunity to share the blessings of the gospel with someone who doesn't have them.
I love you all! 
Con amor 
Hna Ayre

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