Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wrong Roads

Jeffrey R Holland never fails in answering my prayers. He has answered for me why I needed the experience of feeling that I needed to be with my parents in Argentina on my mission, but being called to Rancagua Chile instead. Sometimes the Lord needs us to take a step in a different direction so that when we are lead to the right direction, we know with a surety that that is the path we must be on.

Friday, January 10, 2014

I love to see the temple!

What an incredible day yesterday was to be able to go to the temple with my parents in Argentina! I can't believe I got to go inside! I am so grateful for the Gospel and the opportunity to serve the Lord! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

My Story

I had never thought about serving a mission, but when President Monson announced the new age that sisters could serve, I knew the Lord wanted me to go on a mission. For the first couple of months after the announcement, I was so excited about going on a mission and I thought the day that I got to serve couldn't come soon enough! As time passed on though, I stopped thinking about a mission and I wasn't so sure anymore that a mission was for me. As I started school fall semester, I still was so unsure if I wanted to go on a mission. I thought about it all the time, and everyone who thought I was going to go on a mission was now thinking that I wasn't going to go on a mission. The thought of a mission scared me because it was so real at that point and I was enjoying school a lot. A couple of weeks before I could submit my papers, I had a conversation with a friend of mine, and that conversation lead me to the realization that I needed to go on a mission. After praying about my decision to go on a mission, I called my parents crying and told them that I was going to go on a mission. All during that time, I also debated back and forth about serving in my parents' mission, and I felt at that time, after praying about it, that I needed to be in my parents mission for some reason. I submitted my papers with the request to go to my parents' mission, and within a couple days, my stake president notified me that my papers had been put on President Eyring's desk because of my special request. The next week, my papers came, and we all thought that I would open my papers and see Buenos Aires North, but that wasn't the case. I was in shock when I saw Rancagua Chile on that paper. At first, I didn't know what to think because I had felt that I needed to be in Buenos Aires for some reason, but then I remembered that an apostle of God called me to Chile, and I knew that I was supposed to be in Rancagua. I know that there is a specific person that I am supposed to help in Chile. I am so excited to bring the message of the restored gospel to the people of Chile. The Gospel has brought me true happiness and I want other people to feel the happiness that I have felt. I can't believe I report to the MTC in 37 days!!!